Sermons of Pastor H.H. Barber

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Book of the Bible: Acts

128 sermons.

The Concerns Of The Risen Christ

series - Forty Days Of The Risen Lord : 1

Acts 1:1-3
What Do You Say To A King

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 1

Acts 1:1-4
John 20:19-29
Pentecostal Of Course WarningActs 1:1-11
Romans 8
Alive - Many Infallable Proofs WarningActs 1:3
Matthew 28:1-10
Many Infallable Proofs Acts 1:3
Holy Spirit Baptism, Tongues, Prophecy, And Divine Healing Warning1 Corinthians 12:7-13
Acts 1:4
Luke 24:49
Pentecostal, Of Course Acts 1:4-8
Acts 2:1-4
Ye Shall Receive Power

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 1

Acts 1:6-8
I Still Believe He Is Coming Acts 1:7-11
The Spreading Flame

series - Central Messages Of New Testament Books : 14

Acts 1:8
The Difference The Spirit Makes

series - Best Loved Bible Texts : 22

John 15:26-27
Acts 1:8
Abiding By Our Mandate Luke 24:46-48
Acts 1:8
John 20:21-23
The Rapture 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:5
Genesis 5:24
2 Kings 2:11
Acts 1:9-11
The Ascension Warning

series - The Early Church (I) : 1

Acts 1:9-11
Philippians 2:1-11
Ephesians 4:8
Carried Up To Heaven

series - Study On Luke's Gospel : 72

Luke 24:50-53
Acts 1:9-11
Mark 16:19
Pinch-Hitting For Judas Acts 1:15-26
The Apostles Doctrine

series - The Early Church (I) : 4

Acts 2
Acts 3
Acts 4
Acts 5
Have You Been To The Upper Room Acts 2
Why Tongues Acts 2:1-4
When God Commands Intemperance Warning

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 2

Ephesians 5:18
Acts 2:1-8
Forty Plus Ten Makes Fifty Acts 2:1-12
Experience Pentecost

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 5

Acts 2:1-17
The Upper Room Acts 2:1-18
Pentecostal Power

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 3

Acts 2:1-4,14-18
Pentecostal -- What Is That Acts 2:1-7,14-18,21
Acts 1:4
Luke 24:49
Acts 6:3
I Believe In Miracles WarningActs 2:22
He Ascended On High

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 2

Ephesians 4:10
Philippians 2:9
Acts 2:22-24,29-36
Conscience-Smitten Acts 2:23-24,36-38
Caught Up Into Heaven

series - Jesus Is Lord! - The Life Of Christ : 24

Ephesians 4:8-10
Ephesians 1:15-23
Philippians 2:9
Acts 2:34-35
Acts 3:21
Acts 5:31
Hebrews 6:4-6
A Clean Slate For A New Year WarningMatthew 3:5-12
Acts 2:38
Acts 17:30-31
Luke 24:47
The Apostle's Doctrine Acts 2:38-42
Pattern For Christians

series - The Early Church (I) : 2

Acts 2:41-47
The Lord Added to the Church Acts 2:41-47
Where Do I Go From Here Acts 2:41-42,46-47
Rediscovering Our Roots

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 3

Acts 2:42
The Fellowship of His Son

series - Q&A Carnalities And Spiritualities : 1

1 Corinthians 1: 1-9
Acts 2:44
1 John 1
What is the Church

series - The Early Church (I) : 5

Acts 2:47
The Lord Added To The Church

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 6

Acts 2:47
A Lame Man At The Gate Acts 3:1-8
Lame From Birth

series - The Early Church (I) : 3

Acts 3:1-11
2 Samuel 9
When They Had Prayed Warning

series - Praying : 3

Acts 4:21,26-33
Great Power - Great Grace

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 4

Acts 4:23-25,29-37
Filled With The Spirit Acts 4:31
Sweet And Sour

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 5

Acts 4:36-5:11
Signs And Wonders Mark 16:15-20
Acts 4:39
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
The Triumph Of The Cross Acts 5:30
Matthew 28:1-10
Stephen, The Martyr

series - The Early Church (I) : 6

Acts 6
Acts 7:55-60
Stephen...Whose Face Shone

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 6

Acts 6
Abraham's Call

series - God's School Of Faith - Abraham : 1

Genesis 11:31
Isaiah 51:1-2
Genesis 12:1
Acts 7:2-3
Hebrews 11:8-19
Faithful In A Few Things, Ruler Over Many

series - God's School Of Faith - Joseph : 3

Genesis 40
Matthew 25:14-23
Psalms 105:1-22
Acts 7:9
Riches Beyond Pleasures And Treasures

series - Servant Of God - Moses : 2

Exodus 2:11-25
Hebrews 11:24-26
Acts 7:22-23
Hidden Peoples Acts 8:1-8
The Spreading Flame

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 7

Acts 8:1-13
Philip The Evangelist

series - The Early Church (I) : 7

Acts 8:1-17,26-29,40
Acts 21:8-9
Pardon Plus Power Acts 8:3-17
The Revival Canada Needs WarningActs 8:5-25
What Hinders You to be Baptized Acts 8:26-39
Religion And Politics Warning

series - Great Conversions : 2

Acts 8:26-39
1 Samuel 8:7,11-18
Acts 4:18-21
Report From India Acts 8:26-39
Preaching Jesus

series - The Early Church (II) : 1

Acts 8:26-40
Preaching Jesus.. What Is It Acts 8:35
The Road To Damascus

series - Great Conversions : 4

Acts 9:1-15
The Road To Damascus

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 8

Acts 9:1-17
Who And What Of The Gospel

series - The Early Church (II) : 2

Acts 9:1-18
The Purpose Of Miracles Acts 9:39-42
Luke 8:49-56
A Case Of Race Discrimination

series - The Early Church (II) : 3

Acts 10
Luke 18:11
What God Hath Cleansed

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 9

Acts 10
Not So Lord Acts 10:1-14
Cornelius-Good Man Who Became Christian

series - Great Conversions : 1

Acts 10:1-5,22-24,34-44
When The Preacher Needs Converting Acts 10:9-48
Rene's Plebiscite Acts 10:14
Was Peter A Pontiff Warning

series - False Gospels : 2

Galatians 1:1-12
Matthew 16:13-18
1 Peter 2:4-5
1 Corinthians 3:11-13
1 Peter 5:4
Acts 10:26
John 14:26
From Pious Pagan To Martyr Acts 10:30-43
Approved Of God By Miracles

series - Jesus Is Lord! - The Life Of Christ : 6

Luke 5:17-26
Acts 10:38
Acts 2:22
A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given Isaiah 9:6-7
Acts 10:43
Suddenly From Heaven Acts 10:44
Ephesians 5:18
What's In A Name

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 10

Acts 11
What The Spirit Is Saying To The Church Acts 11:12
Revelation 2,3
Consider The End Of The Wicked

series - The Early Church (II) : 4

Acts 12:1-11,20-24
Angels, Agents Of Mercy And Justice

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 11

Acts 12:1-11
Don't Count Yourself Out, When God Has Counted You In

series - The Early Church (II) : 5

Acts 13:1-12,46-48
Radiant Undesireables

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 12

Acts 13:1-13
I Believe God Acts 27:13-25
Serendipities Of Being Filled With The Spirit

series - The Holy Spirit And Early Christians : 4

Joel 2:23-32
Acts 13:52
Acts 6:3
Acts 9:31
Faith To Be Healed Acts 14:8-10
Boquets Or Brickbats

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 13

Acts 14:8-20
Muscular Christianity

series - The Early Church (II) : 6

Acts 14:8-22
Conflict Management

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 14

Acts 15:1-9
God's Open-Door Policy

series - The Early Church (II) : 7

Acts 15:1-11
Israel Revisited Romans 11:1,5,11-12,15,25-26
Acts 15:16
Ezekiel 36:2-10,24,30-36
Where Are We In Prophecy WarningDaniel 2:28,31-35,44
Acts 15:16-18
1 Corinthians 15
Luke 21:24
Praise At Midnight

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 15

Acts 16
Things That Cannot Be Shaken

series - Great Conversions : 3

Acts 16:16-34
Hebrews 12:26-28
A Matter Of Dignity Warning

series - The Early Church (II) : 8

Acts 16:25-40
Rejoice, the Lord is Risen WarningRomans 4:25
Acts 17:1
Making Waves For God

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 16

Acts 17:1-12
This New Doctrine

series - The Early Church (II) : 9

Acts 17:16-19
Ezekiel 2:4-5
This New Doctrine

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 17

Acts 17:19-34
Repentance Is Tough Revelation 9:13-21
Acts 17:30
Luke 13:3-5
Gallio, Who Didn't Care

series - The Early Church (II) : 10

Acts 18:1-17
Gallio, Who Didn't Care

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 18

Acts 18:1-17
Apollos, The Golden-Tongued

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 19

Acts 18:18-28
Have You Received The Holy Ghost

series - The Early Church (II) : 11

Acts 19:1-7
Have You Received The Holy Spirit

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 20

Acts 19:1-10
Books To Burn

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 21

Acts 19:11-20
What Is The Lord's Day

series - False Gospels : 6

Acts 20:7
Revelation 1:10
Galatians 3:10,19,21,25
Romans 10:4
Sleeping In Church

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 22

Acts 20:7-12
Shepherds And Sheep WarningActs 20:17-35
Blood On My Hands

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 23

Acts 20:26-35
Ezekiel 3:18
Matthew 27:25
Acts 18:6
Feed The Flock Of God Exodus 14:15
Acts 20:27-35
2 Timothy 4:1-8
Purchased With His Own Blood

series - The Early Church (II) : 12

Acts 20:28
The Promise Of Liberty

series - Letters To The Redeemed : 7

2 Peter 2:1-9
Acts 20:30
Staying The Course

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 24

Acts 21:10-13
Football Mania Acts 22:22-23
Be Of Good Cheer

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 25

Acts 23:11
Acts 21
Acts 22
Acts 23
The Way They Call Heresy Warning

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 26

Acts 24:5-16
I Appeal To Caesar

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 27

Acts 25:1-12
1 Peter 2:13-23
Almost Christian

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 28

Acts 26
Obedient to the Heavenly Vision Acts 26:12-19
From The Power Of Satan To God Acts 26:13-18
The Almost Christian WarningActs 26:19-29
Except for These Bonds Acts 26:22-29
I Believe God...Which Do You Believe Acts 27:13-25
I Believe God

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 29

Acts 27:13-25
All Safe On Shore

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 30

Acts 27:40-44
Authentic Evangelism

series - The Early Church In Power And In Grace : 31

Acts 28
When The Chickens Come Home To Roost Numbers 32:23
Galatians 6:7
Acts 28:1-4
Paul Thanked God And Took Courage Acts 28:11-15