Sermons of Pastor H.H. Barber

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By Series

Bible Reference80 SeriesSermons
Genesis 13-22Abraham9
Genesis 11-24God's School Of Faith - Abraham13
Genesis 25-35God's School Of Faith - Jacob4
Genesis 37-50God's School Of Faith - Joseph7
PentateuchServant Of God - Moses20
PentateuchLessons From Journey To The Promised Land22
ExodusLife Lessons With Moses5
JoshuaLand Of Abundance - Joshua10
Former ProphetsMan After God's Own Heart - David10
1 Kings 17-2 Kings 2Elijah6
JobWhen Good People Suffer - Job6
PsalmsSelections From The Psalms10
Psalms 23The Lord Is My Shepherd - Psalm 237
Isaiah 9:6For To Us A Child Is Born5
DanielLife Lessons With Daniel4
DanielBook Of Daniel12
Minor ProphetsFrom This Day I Will Bless You - Minor Prophets12
JonahPreacher Who Needs Converting - Jonah3
New TestamentCentral Messages Of New Testament Books22
New TestamentThe Incarnation3
New TestamentGod Sent His Son5
New TestamentThe Incarnation Of Christ6
New TestamentPrayer7
New TestamentPraying4
New TestamentGreat Conversions5
New TestamentChristian Essentials8
New TestamentChristian Living7
New TestamentForty Days Of The Risen Lord3
New TestamentBest Loved Bible Texts24
New TestamentThe Reformation3
GospelsChristmas In The Four Gospels4
GospelsCase Account From The Gospels12
GospelsParables Of Jesus23
GospelsJesus Is Lord! - The Life Of Christ24
GospelsChrist's Followers And His Cross5
GospelsActs Of Christ's Ministry16
GospelsFinal Discourse7
GospelsSeven Words From The Cross7
GospelsFinal Week Towards Easter7
GospelsPre-Easter Discourses3
Matthew 5-7Sermon On The Mount18
Matthew 5Sermon On The Mount - The Beatitudes8
Matthew 6The Lord's Prayer8
Matthew 6-7Christian Life In The Sermon On The Mount3
MarkHeading Towards The Cross According To Mark5
LukeStudy On Luke's Gospel72
John 3:16Golden Text Of The Bible5
JohnSign Miracles Of Christ According To John8
JohnConversations of Christ According To John12
John 17High-Priestly Prayer Of Christ5
John 12-21The Road To The Cross And Beyond With John7
John 20-21Seven Last Words Of The Risen Christ4
ActsThe Holy Spirit And Early Christians6
Acts 1-8The Early Church (I)7
Acts 8-20The Early Church (II)12
ActsThe Early Church In Power And In Grace31
EpistlesThe Cross6
1 CorinthiansQ&A Carnalities And Spiritualities27
2 CorinthiansNew Testament Ministry20
GalatiansEpistle To The Galatians14
Galatians 5Fruit Of The Spirit9
EphesiansEpistle To The Ephesians38
EphesiansSurvey On The Epistle To The Ephesians12
Ephesians 1-3Our Riches In Christ15
HebrewsSuperiority Of Christ7
Hebrews 11-13Living Faith14
1 & 2 PeterLetters To The Redeemed8
1, 2 & 3 JohnStudy On John's Epistles8
1 JohnLove8
Revelation 1-3Seven Candlesticks6
Revelation 1-3Letters to the Seven Churches7
Revelation 4,5,14,19-22Beyond The Church Age12
Revelation 12-22Christ's March Of Triumph10
(General)Paired Characters In The Old Testament6
(General)Beloved Chapters Of The Bible8
(General)God With Us4
(General)False Gospels6

4 Other VenuesSermons
Breaside Camp 1976    13
Sunday Bible Class    10
Concert    1
Fireside Gospel Hour    1