Sermons of Pastor H.H. Barber

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Series: The Early Church In Power And In Grace

31 sermons.

1. What Do You Say To A KingActs 1:1-4
John 20:19-29
2. He Ascended On HighEphesians 4:10
Philippians 2:9
Acts 2:22-24,29-36
3. Pentecostal PowerActs 2:1-4,14-18
4. Great Power - Great GraceActs 4:23-25,29-37
5. Sweet And SourActs 4:36-5:11
6. Stephen...Whose Face ShoneActs 6
7. The Spreading FlameActs 8:1-13
8. The Road To DamascusActs 9:1-17
9. What God Hath CleansedActs 10
10. What's In A NameActs 11
11. Angels, Agents Of Mercy And JusticeActs 12:1-11
12. Radiant UndesireablesActs 13:1-13
13. Boquets Or BrickbatsActs 14:8-20
14. Conflict ManagementActs 15:1-9
15. Praise At MidnightActs 16
16. Making Waves For GodActs 17:1-12
17. This New DoctrineActs 17:19-34
18. Gallio, Who Didn't CareActs 18:1-17
19. Apollos, The Golden-TonguedActs 18:18-28
20. Have You Received The Holy SpiritActs 19:1-10
21. Books To BurnActs 19:11-20
22. Sleeping In ChurchActs 20:7-12
23. Blood On My HandsActs 20:26-35
Ezekiel 3:18
Matthew 27:25
Acts 18:6
24. Staying The CourseActs 21:10-13
25. Be Of Good CheerActs 23:11
Acts 21
Acts 22
Acts 23
26. The Way They Call Heresy WarningActs 24:5-16
27. I Appeal To CaesarActs 25:1-12
1 Peter 2:13-23
28. Almost ChristianActs 26
29. I Believe GodActs 27:13-25
30. All Safe On ShoreActs 27:40-44
31. Authentic EvangelismActs 28