Sermons of Pastor H.H. Barber

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Series: Jesus Is Lord! - The Life Of Christ

23 sermons.

1. Growing In Wisdom, Stature And In Favour With God And Men WarningLuke 2:40-52
2. Locusts And Wild HoneyMatthew 3:1-12
3. Temptation - Whence And Why WarningMatthew 4:1-11
4. He Ordained TwelveMark 3:14
Luke 6:12-19
5. Approved Of God By MiraclesLuke 5:17-26
Acts 10:38
Acts 2:22
6. The Word Was Made FleshJohn 7:46
John 1:1-14
7. Gracious Words WarningLuke 4:16-32
8. In The Holy MountLuke 9:28-36
2 Peter 1:16-18
9. God's Charter Of RightsMatthew 20:1-16Parable On The Kingdom: Workers In The Vineyard
10. Jesus And The Scriptures WarningJohn 5:33-47
11. Jesus And PrayerLuke 18:1-8
John 16:24
12. Jesus And WomenMark 14:1-9
13. Jesus And His CriticsLuke 23:1-12
14. Jesus Foretells The FutureMatthew 24:3-14
15. Jesus And Money WarningLuke 12:13-21Parable Of The Rich Fool
16. The New Covenant In His Blood WarningLuke 22:8-20
Jeremiah 31:31-34
The Lord's Supper
17. GethsemaneMatthew 26:36-46
2 Corinthians 5:21
Galatians 3:13
Isaiah 63:2-3
18. Thy King Cometh Unto TheeZechariah 9:9-10
Luke 19:37-44
Palm Sunday
19. Faces Around The CrossMatthew 26:47-58
20. Now Is Christ Risen WarningMatthew 28:1-10
Isaiah 53:8-11
21. The Road To Emmaus WarningLuke 24:27-32
22. Breakfast By The LakeJohn 21
23. Caught Up Into HeavenEphesians 4:8-10
Ephesians 1:15-23
Philippians 2:9
Acts 2:34-35
Acts 3:21
Acts 5:31
Hebrews 6:4-6